Australia has a significant biosecurity and invasive species problem that undermines the Nation’s 2030 goals, to both build a $100 billion agricultural industry and protect our globally important threatened species and biodiversity. Innovation will be critical to tackling this challenge, and a strategic technology pathway is needed to transform how our pests and weeds are effectively managed. Given the increasing risks and impacts arising from climate change, business as usual is simply not an option. Fortunately, science is driving technology innovation at an increasingly rapid rate, with genetic and digital technologies poised to potentially transform our National Biosecurity System – including the way we manage established invasive species.

The Centre for Invasive Species Solutions (CISS) commissioned Spiegare to provide an overview of these and other technology opportunities, in order to inform the technology pathway that could be pursued through the Centre’s proposed Invasive Species Solutions 2030 initiative.

Read the full report Invasive Species Solutions 2030: Overview of Technology Opportunities.